Baywatch is one the most successful shows in TV history, and that maybe the reason why Paramount Pictures is cooking up a movie version of the hit TV show. Fans of the TV show will excitedly await the film version, bringing back powerful memories of all those hunks and babes running along the sandy beach, tanned, strong, young . . .
Enter Pamela Anderson in the classic Baywatch lifeguard uniform: red, one-piece, and –still hot? Apparently, Paramount Pictures thinks so, according to the New York Daily News. Pam will be appearing in the big-screen remake of Baywatch in a cameo role. And as if to dress the part, the actress is recently showing off her body clad in nothing but the skimpiest bathing suits -- and a gold one at that at the Life Ball in Vienna in May.
The Baywatch remake will be formatted as a "tongue-in-cheek" comedy. Wonder if that's because Pamela Anderson's cameo role is funny, or because Pam in a red swimsuit, today, is? Just asking.
Source: New York Daily News
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