Some minor details about Joseph Gordon-Levitt's movie, Live With It.
You know what's not a good title for a movie? "Untitled Cancer Comedy." Of course, that was never what the film was going to roll with, but that's what we have been referring to the upcoming Seth Rogen/Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie as for the past few months. Originally titled I'm With Cancer, the title mysteriously disappeared a while back, but now they have come up with a new name and it's pun-tastic.
Rama's Screen is reporting that film is now titled Live With It. Based on the life of producer Will Reiser, Gordon-Levitt stars as a 25-year-old who is diagnosed with a rare and terminal form of cancer. The rest of the cast, made up of Rogen, Bryce Dallas Howard, Angelica Huston, Ana Kendrick, and Philip Baker Hall, play people in the character's life as he tries to process the news.
Okay, so it's not a great title and it includes a pun, but at least it makes sense (I'm looking at you Knight and Day). Besides, aren't you glad that this movie took that title instead of a dumb romantic comedy? This movie has Joseph Gordon-Levitt - it deserves some leeway.