Vulture recently interviewed Rice, and though she maintains that she doesn't have (or really want) anything to do with another "Interview With the Vampire," she's certainly not opposed to randomly nominating handsome actors to sign on.
"Louis, right now, he could be portrayed easily by Richard Armitage or Matt Bomer," she says of the role originated by Brad Pitt. "Matt Bomer is a beautiful, beautiful guy. He could play Louis."
He is. And he could.
Other vamps to cast could be filled by there's "Law & Order: UK" and "Battlestar Galactica" star Jamie Bamber or "MI5's" Matthew McFadden. But we really want to know are her thoughts on Robert Downey Jr., who's rumored to be a top contender for the post-Tom Cruise Lestat
"That would be wonderful," she tells Vulture. "He is a great actor. He would bring the gravitas and the wit and humor and all of that to the part, and I don't think he's too old. I think if he had a blond wig and makeup, he would be a wonderful Lestat."
Also true. But for now, it's just hearsay. Rice maintains that the talk is just that. No studio has purchased the rights to her work. Considering our global love of anything even tangentially vampiric, it does seem inevitable.